Legal Notice


PHYT’S PRODUCTION are pleased to welcome you to its website, accessible at the following URL address:

The Site was developed for and published by LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS,
simplified joint-stock company with a single shareholder with capital of 401,000 euros located at La Bouygue 46140 Caillac, and registered with the RCS of CAHORS under the number 493 447 395 mail address : [email protected], telephone number: +33 5 65 20 20 00 (hereinafter the “Publisher Company” or “We”)

Director of publication: Pascal LEBRET, General Director

We invite you to carefully read these Terms of Use which govern navigation on this Site. By using the Site you will fully accept these Terms of Use.

Site development and hosting

Conception and development: LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS

Hosting provider: DIGITAL OCEAN – 101 Avenue of the Americas (Grand St.) New York, NY 10013

Terms and conditions

These general conditions determine the conditions of use of the PHYT’S PRODUCTION website that you accept by the mere fact of consulting this site. If you do not accept them, we ask that you leave this site. If you are a minor, you agree to consult this site only in the presence of your parents or guardian who will have previously accepted these conditions. These conditions may be modified at any time and without notice.

Site Access

Although we make every effort to keep the Site accessible at all times, we cannot guarantee you such access in all circumstances. In fact, and in particular for reasons of maintenance, updating, or for any other reason beyond our control, access to the Site may be interrupted.

Intellectual property

All the images, all the texts available on this site, all the names of the products or brands mentioned are the exclusive property of PHYT’S PRODUCTION. You can download, display or print the information available on this site for exclusively private use, for non-commercial purposes, without modifying any mention relating to intellectual property rights and making sure to reproduce on each copy that will be made the following mention: This document comes from the PHYT’S PRODUCTION website. All reproduction rights are reserved. Any use other than that referred to above is prohibited without prior written authorization from PHYT’S PRODUCTION. Any request for authorization of this type must first be submitted to us at the following address: [email protected]


LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS undertake to verify that the content of their site complies with the French legal provisions in force. They undertake in particular not to disseminate data in violation of the rights of third parties, of a violent, pornographic or defamatory nature and not to disseminate illegal content, in particular of a racist, xenophobic, pedophile nature or otherwise offensive to human dignity.


Despite all the efforts of LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS, the content of the Site may contain technical inaccuracies, errors or omissions, for which they cannot be held responsible. The Site may be modified or updated at any time without notice.

LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS cannot be held responsible for:

  • damage resulting directly or indirectly from the consultation of this site or from the use of the information available on it.
  • direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this site, and in particular any operating, financial or commercial loss or loss of programs or data in any information system, even if LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS have been informed the possibility of such damages.
    LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS assumes no liability in relation to links to other sites, which are provided for information purposes only. Linking to any other site is your sole responsibility. LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS does not guarantee the information available on these other sites and assumes no responsibility for their content.

Use of the site

LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS strives to update the content of the Site and to provide users with accurate information. However, LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the data appearing on the Site. Consequently, LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS declines all responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions relating to the data available on the Site as well as for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of said data.

Furthermore, we remind you that the Internet does not guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions, LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS cannot be held responsible in the event of errors, omissions, deletions, delays, failures (in particular due to viruses), lines of communication, computer hardware and software over which we have no control or even in the event of unauthorized use or damage to any content that you may publish on this Site.

Any errors or omissions should be notified to the following address: [email protected]

1. General obligations of the User

We defend the values of tolerance and respect for others. For this reason, this Site may not be used to convey racist, violent, xenophobic, malicious, obscene or even illegal comments.

By using this Site, you agree not to:

  • disseminate content that is harmful, defamatory, unauthorized, malicious, violating privacy or image rights, inciting violence, racial or ethnic hatred;
  • use the Site for politics, propaganda or proselytism;
  • publish advertising or promotional content;
  • disseminate information or content likely to offend the sensitivity of the youngest;
  • carry out illegal activities, in particular infringing the holders of rights to software, brands, photographs, images, texts, videos, etc.

We remind you that you must hold all the rights and / or authorizations on any content that you wish to publish on this Site. As such, we recommend that you do not publish any content (in particular photographs) showing recent architectural elements, advertising creations or even clothing creations whose brand could appear (acronyms, logos, etc.). Finally, we would like to inform you that content (in particular photographs and videos) representing minors will not be accepted on this Site.

2. Stipulations specific to certain Sections

We may need to make a space available on this Site to accommodate user content, such as texts (“User Content”).
By posting User Content on the Site, you hereby grant us a free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, copy, modify, adapt, distribute, translate, create derivative works, integrate into other works, distribute this User Content (in whole or in part) on any media (including, without limitation, this Site).

Without prejudice to the above stipulations, you agree to have informed and obtained the agreement of all the rights holders on this use of the Content on third party websites such as social networks.

Finally, you are informed and you accept (and confirm having informed and obtained the authorization of the rights holders) that the Content may be the subject of a so-called “viral” communication via these third-party websites and that we cannot be held responsible for any recourse by a beneficiary in this regard.

The User Content that you publish on this Site is your choice and your exclusive responsibility. However, we remind you that this User Content must not be contrary to the legislation in force, to good morals and must not infringe the rights of others. As such, we reserve the right to remove at any time any User Content that is manifestly unlawful and / or contrary to good morals and / or infringing the rights of others.
We invite you to report to us any User Content that you believe to be contrary to the legislation in force and/or to morality and/or to the principles set out herein. and/or infringing the rights of others, at the following address: [email protected]

Continuous information on the site

1. Hypertext links

The hypertext links set up on this Site may lead you to websites published by third parties, the content of which we have no control over. Consequently, and to the extent that the hypertext links have been included on this Site solely to facilitate your navigation on the Internet, the consultation of third party sites will be your choice and your exclusive responsibility.
Furthermore, if you wish to create hypertext links to this Site, a prior authorization request must be sent to us at the following address: [email protected]

2. Cookies

Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer when you browse a website (such as the pages you have visited, the date and time of the visit, etc.) and which can be read during of your visits to this same website.

To benefit from all the features of the Site, it is preferable to authorize the recording of cookies. We would like to remind you that cookies do not allow us to identify you and that the information stored by cookies on your computer is kept for 6 months.

However, and in accordance with the recommendations of the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties, we inform you that you can oppose the registration of cookies by configuring your browser in this direction (information available at http: //www.cnil .fr), “cookies” or “cookies” sections).

Personal data protection

The provision of personal information collected in the context of distance selling is mandatory, this information being necessary for the processing and delivery of orders as well as for the preparation of invoices.

We may need to collect personal data about you, in particular when you (1) you create an account, (2)subscribe to our newsletters, (3) register for a game / contest or (4) send us an email.

This personal data will be subject to computer processing intended exclusively for LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS and may be used as follows:

  • Statistical studies: we compile and study your data in order to define your profile and better adapt our services to your expectations. These statistical studies are strictly confidential;
  • Customer relationship monitoring: if you send us a message, the data is stored and used in order to respond to your request and ensure its follow-up;
  • Provision of services: sending newsletters, access to certain advice spaces, etc.
  • In addition, and if you have authorized it by checking the box for this purpose, we may be required to send you newsletters and information related to your transactions.
    The Purchaser retains the right to refuse such communication either a priori by not giving his consent at the time of validation of the order, or a posteriori by expressing his refusal by e-mail.

In accordance with the Law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access, oppose, rectify and delete data concerning you. As the Internet is an open network, LABORATOIRES PHYT’S PRODUCTIONS cannot guarantee that this data will not be diverted by third parties.

You can exercise this right at any time by sending an e-mail, accompanied by a photocopy of your identity document or your passport, to the Seller’s Customer Service at [email protected]

Changes to the site and terms of use

We may need to modify the content and information included on this Site as well as these Terms of Use, in particular in order to comply with any new applicable legislation and / or regulations and / or in order to improve the Site. Any modification will be incorporated into these Terms of Use.

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